Hot Tips when cold calling


“Cold calls are dead …” That is certainly one statement that I will never get behind or understand.

Some say cold calls are old school. Some sales teams can be often put off by the fact that they’re going to get hung up on or consistently and told ‘no’. But for every ‘no’, there is always going to be that one ‘yes’ that leads you to conversion. It’s the ‘yes’ that makes all of your cold calls worth it.

Just some of our HOT TIPS

  • Research your client before picking up the phone - know a little about their business and how you can help them

  • Be clear with your offer - short succinct and to the point

  • Pace yourself with your offer and relax - confidence is everything

  • Don’t call around the hours of 1230 and 2pm - it’s LUNCHTIME

  • ‘Read the room’ - if the caller seems busy, or there seems to be a lot going on in the background ask if it’s a good time to chat. If the caller seems a little off and not interested that’s ok. Take down an email address and send the caller some information. You can always follow up (plus, you have their details for your CRM)

Cold calling isn’t the only sales tool in the book. You shouldn’t purely rely on cold calling - mix it up a little. Use some of the old-school strategies with a mixture of new social media platforms to your advantage. We have this at our fingertips - use it! A personal favorite of mine is LinkedIn (connect with me here by the way!) Make sure you align your brand with your specific target market social media platform.

The best way to increase your sales is to test and measure what works best for your business. So… get amongst it and give it a go! You might just surprise yourself!


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