Showcase your Venue


Have you just refurbished your venue? Maybe a new service you can now offer your clients. Or maybe a new and exciting conference and events space added to your portfolio?

Lead generation opportunities are optimised when hosting a showcase event at your venue. This might be hosting a cocktail event to showcase your catering capabilities and the conference and event facilities. Your showcase event might be a combination event where you invite sponsors and suppliers to exhibit at your venue - again showing the capability of your spaces. Another opportunity might be the launch of a new product within your venue and the invitee list are social media influencers, locals or VIP’s.

Hosting an event can not only capture your attendee’s contact details at the time of registration but showcases your venue and what it’s capable of. Other opportunities might be:

  • Building awareness of your product/s and services

  • Displaying a customers experience

  • Relationship building for your Sales Team

  • Networking opportunity for your key exhibitors | sponsors | suppliers

  • Unique branded materiel for the client to take away as a keepsake (and NOT just a PEN!)

When tailoring a hosted event, just be mindful of your specific target market - your ideal customer. Also, be mindful of the return of investment( ROI) - it also needs to work for you!

KEY! Post-event follow-up is so important!! When hosting an event at your venue, your follow-up is vital to any potential conversion. Should there be an enquiry during your showcase event, follow up with a proposal straight away and usually within 24 hours post showcase event. A genuine ‘Thank You’ email sent the day after your event with any venue material given out at your showcase is also super important. Your thank you letter should be succinct and to the point but most importantly - genuine!


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